VICE x KeyBank
I’m Also a Doctor
Burnout rates among physicians are at an all-time high, with potentially negative effects on patient care, professionalism, and physicians’ own care and safety. So we partnered Laurel Road for Doctors, a KeyBank brand, with VICE News to create the new docuseries, I’m Also a Doctor, which explains how hobbies, passions, and personal side-projects can help improve mental health, emotional wellbeing, and even job performance.
I’m Also a Doctor was published across dedicated microsites, Laurel Road’s social channels, VICE News’ social channels, and broadcast in primetime on VICE TV. The series was even spun off as a special year-end episode of the brand’s Financing Ambition podcast.
I’m Also a Doctor reached 22MM+ impressions with 500+ comments discussing the critical topic of how pursuing passions improves mental health and job performance among physicians. All five episodes met or exceeded VICE’s Video Completion Rate benchmark with the most popular episode at 44% above benchmark.
The multichannel campaign delivered an 18% increase in website users among the targeted doctor audience.
Included at bottom is the casting call landing page that started it all by inspiring hundreds of submissions in only two weeks.
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